Now also in Italy with Mondadori Store and Prospero
The so-called Espresso Book Machine® is a printing and bindery plant that can be installed directly in a bookshop or a library and which can produce a book in a few minutes.
It’s a vending machine that distributes books and which is able to connect to a extended content network from all over the world, via a special sofware (EspressNet).
Now, thanks to Prospero, also Italian publishers can benefit from this innovative sales channel.
It’s simple and easy to use: it’s possible to print, bind and finish paperbacks in all languages just by pushing a button. The book will be ready directly in the bookshop and can be read immediately after a few minutes. Just the time to drink an espresso.
Below you’ll find the advantages for publishers who profit from EBM’s commercial channel:
- providing your catalogue on demand, which means that the book will be available directly in the bookshop in 5-10 minutes from its purchase;
- manage long lines, and keeping the catalogue always alive;
- getting the same margins of a traditional book with the same risks of an ebook;
- no more returns, transportation nor stock management;
- no more sales loss due to sold out products while waiting for the new shipment;
- make your catalogue directly available in about 100 bookstores where EBMs are present and especially in the Mondadori Store in Piazza del Duomo in Milan;
- make your catalogue also available online on website and in the 600 Mondadori Store shops;
- ability to market your titles without any transportation cost in all countries where EBM is present (USA, Canada, Japan, etc.).
Are you a publisher?
To join the project Espresso Book Machine® send us an email to the following address